Juvenile Delinquency
At Patton | Pittman in Clarksville, our attorneys defend minors who have been charged with juvenile delinquency throughout Middle Tennessee. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
An Overview of Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings
If you or your child is alleged to have committed what would be a crime, and you or they are not yet eighteen, what happens? A petition for delinquency or unruly behavior is initiated. This petition can be initiated by law enforcement (including School Resource Officers (S.R.O.s). or by other individuals such as a victim of an alleged delinquent act. There will be an intake date with a youth services officer (Y.S.O.). The matter will be set for an adjudicatory hearing at the intake date. On the hearing date there may be an agreed settlement favorable to our client, or a full hearing on the merits (like a trial). The case may be resolved with an informal adjustment, either pretrial or judicial diversion, probation, or in rare cases, placement in state’s custody. For certain serious allegations, the state may seek to transfer the juvenile to adult court.
Informal Adjustment: This is a disposition when the court officer determines that the matter is not serious enough to require official action before the juvenile court judge. No admission of the allegation contained in the complaint shall be required of the child when determining whether to proceed with an informal adjustment. An informal adjustment results in the matter being dismissed.
Diversion and expungement: If you are eligible, pretrial or judicial diversion allows you the opportunity to resolve your case without a juvenile record, sometimes without pleading guilty. Successful completion of the diversion period will result in the matter being dismissed.
Protect yourself, contact our Tennessee juvenile delinquency lawyers
Call (931) 361-4477 or contact us online to arrange a free initial consultation with our Clarksville juvenile defense lawyers.