Can You Beat a DUI in Tennessee?
Many people plead guilty to DUI / DWI charges because they failed the field sobriety tests or blood alcohol test. However, by mounting an aggressive defense, it may be possible to overcome the state's evidence against you.
At Patton | Pittman in Clarksville, our attorneys defend people charged with drunk driving throughout Middle Tennessee and Fort Campbell. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
Being convicted of DUI/DWI can have far-reaching consequences, including thousands of dollars in fines, added insurance costs, loss of your driver's license, jail time and potential loss of employment. No one should plead guilty to DUI/DWI charges without talking to an experienced Clarksville defense attorney.
Challenging the DUI Stop
A police officer must have a proper legal basis before he or she can stop you. Additionally, the officer must have a proper legal basis before you can be required to get out of your car and take field sobriety tests. If the stop was illegal or if the police officer did not have a legal reason to administer the tests, our lawyers can fight to have that evidence suppressed from your DUI/DWI case.
Attorney Chris Clark brings six years of experience as an assistant district attorney to drunk driving defense. As a former prosecutor, he trained police officers on how to testify in court during DUI cases. He also knows how to cross-examine police officers to determine if they improperly administered the sobriety tests or violated your rights.
Challenging the Field Sobriety and Blood Alcohol Tests
Just because you failed a field sobriety or blood alcohol (BAC) test does not mean you will be convicted of driving under the influence. For example, if police did not give proper instructions on how to take field sobriety tests or did not properly interpret the results, those results may be proven inaccurate. Failure to properly administer blood alcohol tests may result in them being suppressed.
Our lawyers know and understand the field sobriety test manual produced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If the police officer who arrested you did not properly follow the manual, the state's case will be significantly weakened.
Contact Our Clarksville DUI Attorneys
For more information about how to beat a DUI in Tennessee, call (931) 361-4477 or contact us online to arrange a free initial consultation.