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New DUI Limit in Tennessee

DUI law is always changing in Tennessee, and the term “legal limit” is an evasive term.

Many don’t know this, but here are multiple so-called “legal limits” in Tennessee. Most people know that a person can be found “guilty” of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08 or higher. Did you know that the minimum penalties increase if a person’s BAC exceeds a certain threshold?

Prior to July 1st, a person convicted of first offense DUI with a blood alcohol concentration of .08-.19 faced a minimum punishment of 48 hours of incarceration. However, a BAC of .20 or higher increased the mandatory minimum incarceration to 7 consecutive days. In other words, people caught drinking and driving with a BAC .20 or higher faced a full week in jail.

As of July 1, 2024, a new Tennessee law requires persons caught drinking and driving with a blood alcohol concentration .15 or above face a mandatory minimum 7 days in jail. Those days must be served consecutively, meaning a week in jail without release. This new law lowers the threshold from the previous level of .20.

There are many factors that can impact your blood alcohol level and whether the additional penalty will apply. If you have been charged with DUI in Clarksville, Montgomery County, or the surrounding areas (such as Robertson, Stewart, Houston, or Cheatham Counties) please call us and let us help you and guide you through the legal processes. Your rights matter!
