Starting the New Year Out Right
Patton & Pittman
Here is a quick quiz: If you or your spouse dies, does someone know who to call to deal with retirement issues? Does someone know how much life insurance you or your spouse has and who to contact to make a claim? Do you and your spouse know about all bank accounts that have been opened? If you and your spouse don’t know the answer to all of these questions, financial communication with your spouse needs to be a priority as we enter the new year.
To help with this, below if a form that you can use to start the conversation. Sit with your spouse, fill this out and store it in a lock box or in another safe location. If the unthinkable happens and a spouse passes away, this form will help you quickly deal with the financial issues that will need to be immediately addressed.
Financial Worksheet
Our bank accounts (account numbers and location):
Our life insurance (amount, policy number and agent):
Our retirement (account numbers and administrator):
Our disability Insurance (amount, policy number and agent):
Our investments (description, account numbers and administrators):
Our real estate (address, mortgage holder):